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Microwell launches inverter heat pump.


lis 15, 2019
Microwell launches inverter heat pump. | Blog - Microwell

On 25th September we have launched our inverter swimming pool heat pump GREEN INVERTER PRO during our 2nd Global Conference .

Although our view on inverter technology in usage for pools has been skeptical (for more reference click to our blog Inverter Heat pump – When the bubble bursts?) / hyperlink. During last 12 months we have spent a lot of effort and manpower to research, test and develop inverter technology. Still an inverter heat pump will heat slower than standard on/off heat pump; it can open up possibilities a standard on/off (or fixed speed) heat pump is only hardly capable of.

Microwell concept

There are 3 concepts of ‘inverter heat pumps’ currently on the market.

BASIC inverter – it’s built on inverter compressor but PCB and settings make it a soft-start fixed speed pump. It’s the cheapest of the ‘inverter pump’ family but does not provide you any of inverter advantages. And in that sense it’s just an overpriced fixed speed heat pump.

MIDDLE inverter – uses inverter compressor and also adjustable expansion but fan is fixed. It’s a good start of inverter but air flow is a very important ‘component’ of heat pump performance, able to boost or sink its efficiency.

HIGH-END inverter – also called ‘TOP’. It’s made of fully adjustable (variable speed) compressor, fan motor and expansion. The machine continuously reads all its technical parameters together with outdoor ambient conditions and in intervals of 1s-3seconds it adjusts its main settings in order to pin point just the right performance & efficiency at that current water&air temperature condition.

Heat pump full inverter microwell

We went for High End inverter concept and our GREEN INVERTER PRO line is fully adjustable a providing you with just the right performance you need at all times.

We also said that our TOP inverter will be ‘full’ and no accessories are to ordered separately, rather they will be all included. Thus our GREEN INVERTER PRO comes with WIFI, touch control, winter module (-10°C) and condensate tray defrost. You get all you need in one device.

Noise level

Inverter heat pump of HIGH-END type enables you to lower noise level on demand. This is technically done by reducing fan speed along with reduction in speed/capacity of other key components. It is said that Switzerland is a country to be referred for noise level standards. GREEN INVERTER PRO line meets those standards and enable customer 2 noise level modes for the beginning.

Future plans

According to your genuine feedback we already have more than 5 development directions with Green Inverter Pro line. These include specific SW updates for particular functions, addition of HW functions and also creation of SPLIT. This will all be available for 2020 season.


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